Maker & MossMaker & MossMaker & Moss

Chevron Vinyl Rug


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Here’s a question: Can your floor be a canvas for style? It certainly can be. This vinyl area rug proves the point with an exceptionally eye-catching chevron pattern tinged in a soft shade of pink, perfect as a kid's rug or for under a dining room table. As a durable, contract grade mat, it’s made with the highest quality. This means it refuses to fade, slip or move about even in the busiest of high traffic areas. It’s ideal for outdoors, too. Just think of the possibilities! So now your porch and patio have as much potential for artistic expression as anywhere else in your home. All sizes are 1 mm thick.

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    Chevron Vinyl Rug

    1' 8" X 2' 6"
    1' 8" X 2' 6"

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