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New Orleans Wood Chart


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New Orleans is on the Mississippi River, near the Gulf of Mexico.

Nicknamed the "Big Easy," it's known for its round-the-clock nightlife, vibrant live-music scene and spicy, singular cuisine reflecting its history as a melting pot of French, African and American cultures. Embodying its festive spirit is Mardi Gras, the late-winter carnival famed for raucous costumed parades and public partying.

This piece comes ready to hang, pre-framed in a custom, solid-wood frame. Its rich contours are carefully crafted from laser-cut layers of Baltic birch, which are hand colored and glued together with the intent that each becomes a prized conversational piece and treasured heirloom.

Carefully crafted from laser-cut layers of Baltic birch, which are hand colored and glued together.

Ready to hang and are pre-framed in a custom, solid-wood frame.

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31" Width X 13.5" Length

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    New Orleans Wood Chart

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