Maker & MossMaker & MossMaker & Moss

Tahoe Wood Chart


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Located high in the Sierra Nevadas, Lake Tahoe is the largest alpine lake in North America and, with a maximum depth of 1,645 feet, it’s also America’s second-deepest lake overall. It’s known for its clear water and sweeping mountain vistas. Its banks are home to a number of popular ski resorts, summer recreation areas, and casinos. Available in two different sizes, this piece comes ready to hang, pre-framed in a custom, solid-wood frame. Its rich contours are carefully crafted from laser-cut layers of Baltic birch, which are hand colored and glued together with the intent that each becomes a prized conversational piece and treasured heirloom.

Carefully crafted from laser-cut layers of Baltic birch, which are hand colored and glued together.

Ready to hang and are pre-framed in a custom, solid-wood frame.

Discover the full collection: Shop All Wooden Maps

Small: 16" Width X 20" Length
Large: 24.5" Width X 31" Length

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    Tahoe Wood Chart

    Large / Dark Frame
    Large / Dark Frame

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